These past few months have been a little hectic. With me being super pregnant and having a three and two yr old with me all day, well ... you get the idea. Rene's vision has also gotten worse. That adds to my stress. It is very hard not to let that get to me. About a month ago we went to see a retinal specialist. expecting some kind of hope. Maybe to get informed on clinical trials taking place somewhere. ummm yeah no hope what so ever. More like yep you're going blind .... have a nice day! It was a very discouraging day.
Those are the words of a MAN! .... why am I believing discouraging words from a MAN. He may be a doctor but he is not God. At the end of the day he is a simple MAN.
Since then God has been dealing with me and my heart. I truly believe in miracles. I mean huge miracles! I know that Rene will be healed. No Dr, no medicine .... but supernaturally! through God and nothing else. The thing is I don't know when. well that is the hard part .... the waiting.
God has used people in my life to confirm this to me for about 6 years now. I was to the point,where it didn't make a difference any more. I kept hearing the same thing "God will heal Rene, but in God's time" ... I thought how annoying! God please do not tell me you are going to do something if it is going to take 20 years! ... We as human beings are very impatient. We want what we want and we want it NOW!
So six years later on the edge of just giving up. about to accept the fact that this is our reality. That I will be married to a blind man.
God grabs my hand and says ..."I have made you a promise. these six years you have not been alone. I have been there. There are many things in your heart that do not allow me to proceed with my plans. My plans of true and complete healing. You and Rene are one now. what affects you affects him and vice versa."you have unbelief in your heart, you have become bitter, and angry with me and that doesn't allow me to work in your life".
So this is where I am now ... working on these issues! I will not let the enemy steal my blessing! I will not let negative words of a simple man steal my blessings(huge ones). Healing is coming soon! very soon and I will not let my selfishness and ignorance get in the way!!!
I also share this with you because maybe there is a huge mountain in your way that just doesn't seem to move. You have begged and pleaded to God to remove it .... and it remains. God may want to deal with your heart first. There is a reason it is still there. Believe me if you just take a second to listen to Gods voice he'll let you know what you need to do. Never stop trusting and believing!
p.s ... stay tuned bc God is doing big things in our lives and I cant wait to share, maybe it ill make a difference in yours!