I am now 37 weeks pregnant. This is the longest I have been pregnant, with my other two kids I delivered at 35 wk's. Two extra weeks that I'm not used to. I'm always tired and sleeping has become impossible! I'm happy with four hours, which doesn't happen very often anymore. I used to be a bear,sleeping was my hobby. Any who ... the cravings with this pregnancy have been minimal and its usually stuff I have in the fridge. or something I can just go grab with no complications.
I'm still doing the cooking thing which is awesome because with my son we ate out three times a day the last month. I know how horrible and unhealthy!but there are exceptions to the rules. On Monday I just didn't want to so I decided to try out papa johns. Pretty good deals on Mondays. I pull up and see a picture of cheesy bread. I instantly had to HAVE it!! I just had to! it was this crazy must have that or I will cry moment. I know right, cheesy bread? I send Rene in to order the pizza while I ran to Kroger. The girl taking the order was just sooo thrilled to be there that day!( I'm being sarcastic) she was so unpleasant and must have made Rene nervous or something because homeboy ended up getting bread sticks. (actually she just confused him) she called them cheese sticks. cheese sticks to us is something totally different. so ill cut him some slack .... I open the box to find rock looking BREAD STICKS!! nothing cheesy or appealing about them at all!
I am very calm. go with the flow kind of gal. I do not like confrontation. I keep my mouth shut in order to avoid any weirdness. Well that's all fun and dandy when I'm not pregnant! I am as big as a house. I am miserable and all I'm asking for is some dang cheesy sticks!!
I get off the car wobble my butt inside and .... (here is how it went down)
me: hi, I wanted to exchange these bread sticks for cheesy bread
girl: cheese sticks?(Attitude might I add) he said he didn't want them
me: yes cheese sticks (irritated voice) oh btw he didn't want them because you totally confused him with the whole cheese stick part.
girl: it ill be $1.50 more you still want them?
me: it doesn't matter ill pay the difference I just want the CHEESY bread and btw I would really love it if you changed your attitude just a tad ... thanks! there was confusion because of your attitude
girl: staring at me blankly ... they'll be right out. (it took about five minutes to get them out and about every five seconds I heard her rushing the guy! hahaha)
girl: oh don't worry about the difference
I get back in the car with my cheesy bread and some kind of satisfaction radiating on my face. Rene is looking at me in disbelief. I cant believe you just did that, he says. I look at him and say me either! I'm telling you its a killer craving! "wow, I know never to mess with your cheesy bread he says". I like this side of you! (secretly so do I!)
Well I must say I enjoyed me some cheesy bread! I'm def super pregnant and sleep deprived so don't aggravate me because deep down somewhere I have some kind spine!
So yes this was my prego drama of the week so far! I must sound like a fatty! just wanted to share a little of my crazy!
btw im writing this at 2:57 am bc again sleeping doesn't exist right about now!